Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Alan Veingrad - Former Dallas Cowboys Player

Former Dallas Cowboys Football Player, Alan Veingrad, shares his spiritual journey to the synagogue on Israel National News with Tamar Jonah

Alan Veingrad, Offensive Lineman with the Dallas Cowboys & Green Bay Packers, joins Tamar as she interviews him about his spiritual journey from the football field to the Synagogue. Alan (today, Shlomo) Veingrad retells his life story of being a Jewish football player and member of the Super Bowl XXVII World Champion Dallas Cowboy Team in 1992. He shares that after he retired from football, he read an article about himself in the 'Where Are They Now' Column. After reading the summary of his life in the piece, he came to the conclusion that he had led, and was still leading a shallow life. It was then that Alan started looking for the deeper meaning of existence. Today, Alan is an Orthodox Jew, a Chabadnik, and travels around the USA and speaks about his football career, and how it eventually led him to lead a Torah filled life. His speaking engagements inspire and educate people of all ages, making them proud of their Judaism.

Short CNN video below. Interview with Tamar here.

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1 comment:

in the vanguard said...

Somewhat related is this story, of another football great: