Wednesday, April 4, 2012


“Today there are styles in the chassidic music that have no connection to chassidus,” says the singer Mordechai Ben David Werdigger. “It is like being in the jungle. The kushim sing in a more refined way than they do. The words don’t make the song chassidic. Maybe it gives pleasure – like eating pizza, but there is no spiritual pleasure in it.” [from an interview in the Bnei Brak paperKol HaIr 12th Tishrei 5764].

“Something has happened to the chassidic music in the past few years,” says Avraham Freed. “The truth is that today’s young singers have no red lines. I know that I have my limits that I will never cross….. The situation today has worsened to a point that very soon we, the singers and the public will have to shout – ‘The music has reached the gates of hell!’” [from an interview in the magazine Shaah Tovah, Erev Sukkos, 5764].

The singer Gidon Levine [in the same magazine] sums up the situation: “My problem is that the imitation of goyishe music is likely to bring a deterioration in our society, and particularly among the young people.”

These singers [with the exception of R’ Ben Tzion Shenker] fail to mention that they are the ones who started the trend to imitate American rock and roll, and that the younger singers who they criticize are only taking an example from them to copy the new styles of popular street music. Let us finally hear what the “Composer of the year – 5764” Yishai Lapidos has to say about the subject:“I know many people who claim that today’s big singers introduced the disco beat and the rock. For example, Mordechai Ben David introduced rock and roll, Deady Groucher brought in the rock, Vindish with Boruch Hagever brought in the trend of ‘converted songs’. The song ‘Moshiach’ of Mordechai Ben David is in the style of real rock and roll, and there is not much difference between rock and roll and dance. The disco of all the big singers such as Werdigger, Freed and Deady have come from the American rock and roll and disco.” [From the magazine, Shiru Lo, Chanukah 5764, p.20].

At present in this country we are witness to the phenomenon of ‘Greek song’. Two of the
 mushchossim of the tzibbur who were thrown out of Eretz Yisroel returned to America with their merchandise to sell to the public. One of them made rachmono litzlan, a song about the most important principle of the 13 principles. The second took examples from this to make a song about the destruction of Amolek, and they turned them into jazz רח"ל – literally! What happens to a person’s heart when he listens to this version of mechiyas Amolek? He hears that to wipe out Amolek is jazz! Is it possible to receive any good influence from this? Or chas vesholom the opposite, that he is disconnected from the whole concept of destroying Amolek? Or if he hears ‘Moshiach’ with that imbecilic nigun – is it possible to elevate oneself by hearing this? In this way they are killing the public, and we have to publicize them by name – one is called Freed (Fried), and the other is called Werdigger (Mordechai Ben David)! 

“I love the songs,” Fried said of the new album. “I think there’s some great material. There are great messages. There are songs to cry to, there are songs to dance to, there are songs that will inspire. I think it’s a solid album.”

Fried said that he has adopted a certain style to which he has stuck in this album as well. “I have a certain style which is what we call the Hassidic style. In that Hassidic style there are some areas where we’ll take a disco feel or a rock feel, but that’s the extent of it.”
 Anyone who lets their songs into his house must know what this will cause to his Torah. Elisha ben Avuya, one of the four great members of the chaburah, did not stop singing a Greek song, – and it made him into a different person and finally a heretic! We have to throw this out of the house! Throw it all out! And not let this trash remain in the house!
[Rabbi Yisroel Elya Weintraub שליט"א, Lakewood Yeshiva, Cheshvan, 5755]

“Speech is the expression of the mind. Music is the expression of the soul, and by means of this it is possible to determine the level of a person at any time. The prohibitions related to speech apply also to musical expression.”

The Rebbe of Bobov, Rabbi Ben Tzion Halberstam הי"ד.

“I have heard that there is something new that they call “Chassidic music”. I don’t know whether it is kosher or not, but one thing I can be quite sure about – that it has no connection to chassidus, and I do not know if it is suitable for yeshiva boys to listen to it.”

Rabbi Elazar M. M. Shach זצ"ל.

“The non-religious street has managed to infiltrate into chareidi society by means of the modern music.”
Rabbi Moshe Shmuel Shapira זצ"ל.


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in the vanguard said...

There's a famous song by Lipa Shmeltzer that stole the music from a goiyshe song "In the Jungle, the Mighty Jungle."

Does this all border on the non-kosher? I, for one, don't know, although I do believe singers like Matisyahu do, in fact, degenerate the Jewish values.

I suppose I think the words ought to be the primary concern. If the words push for Yiddishkeit it would be positive, if it is parve or less, then of course it's quite inappropriate.

Tidbits of Torah said...

actually when one reads the history of music - especially disco, rock and roll - one would have to agree that it is not good for a Jewish neshamah. The link for the ebook at the bottom of the post The Torah is not Hefker is well worth the 15 minute read to understand.

I will not have this is my house for my 2 year old to hear.

in the vanguard said...

I'm confused by what you say. Are you saying AF and MBD are guilty of this?

in the vanguard said...

Tidbits - is that your implication?

Tidbits of Torah said...

sorry for the delay in responding. I have a lot of projects going on that is keeping me away from the net.

I believe that this music is not good - from reading the material on the link the Torah is not Hefker. These 2 artist mentioned state themselves that they have brought in the goyish music into their music.