Sunday, September 23, 2012

Time is of the Essence!


The following world-wide prayer among Jews is being organized for today, less than 3 hours from now.....

Here's the prayer in English: Master of the Universe, we, the children of Israel, ask for Moshiach to redeem us, now and with mercy, from exile and all suffering, to reveal your Name in the world and to bring peace. That's it. Just 35 English words. How can you not?

THIS SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 23 2012, 7 Tishrei 5773, a simultaneous worldwide Jewish prayer for peace through the coming of Moshiach will take place. Based on Israel Time 17:00, New York 11:00, Los Angeles 08:00, Paris 17:00, Sydney 01:00 Sept 24… Sunday, September 23 5 PM Israel time 11 AM East Coast USA time ALL JEWS AS ONE: This unique event in Jewish history has been impulsed by motivated Jewish people with help and blessings of rabbis around the world of all affiliations (Ashkenazim, Sephardim, Chassidim) with a strong desire that all Jews will be united at the same instant, observant or not, whatever beliefs, affiliation, age, nationality to end all suffering and to welcome the revelation of Hashem’s (G-d) Name. Organizers report they have received a bracha from HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita. Time is of essence. Please, pass it on now!

ALSO RECITE Tehillim 72, written by David Ha'Melech to bless his son, and ultimately, Moshiach ben David

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

WHO WILL LIVE and Who will Die
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Marry a Jew!

     If you are Jewish, and dating a non-Jew, read this 43-year-old American’s comment to my video on the importance of Jews marrying Jews.
He wrote:  
     “I agree that Jews marrying Jew is the most important message. My family line ended up non-Jewish because my grandparent’s son did not marry Jewish, and now everyone in the family is not Jewish in two generations.”
Gutman adds:
     Look beyond the sensual moment before you get involved and become attached. Do not throw away your 4,000-year-old family for a physical attraction. A central prayer that we say three times a day warns; “Do not follow your eyes and hearts for they will lead you astray.”[i]

[i] Shema Israel, Numbers 15:39
by Reb Gutman Locks on Mystical Paths

Why Marry Jewish? A question that so many young people ask. What happens if you meet someone non-Jewish who you love? What if that relationship is "perfect"?

Listen to this compassionate and thought-provoking response from Rabbi Manis Friedman, as he discusses the various aspects of this emotional issue.

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