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Singer: Yisroel Amar
Video: CJ Studios 718.781.6405
Lyrics Esty Shemtov, Dina Amar
Concept & Ideas Rabbi Chay Amar
Studio engineering Ron BenHaim
Consultant Mendel Amar
Original melody of Vehoo Keili "Rabbi Baruch Levine"
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1 comment:
(Story of the sale of Joseph and his father's longing for him)
Glowing with pride
Learning side by side
Torah's flame burning inside
Together as one
In an eternal bond
Yacov and Yosef his son
My son you must leave
Your brothers you will see
and v'shalom brought back to me
His first journey alone
Away from his home
Leaving - - his future is unknown
As the day passes on
He awaits his return
For my son of my ?
I can hope for
Feeling ...he longs so strong
He desperately does long
for an answer
for a reason
Oh Father
My journey has begun
To help my brothers from where I am
HaShem's plan you can't see
But for you I will be
In a foreign land
Tragically in our times
A sweet boy of 9
Decides to leave his mother's side
His first journey alone
Away from his home
Leaving - - his future is unknown
As the day passes on
They await his return
For Leiby
Oh my son - I can ?? for
Feeling ...he longs so strong
Desperately we long for an answer
for a reason
Yidden, I may be far
My soul up on high
To beseech our Father in Heaven
HaShem's plan you can't see
For you I will be
Geula demanding
with Moshiach
with Moshiach
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